How to Draw Attractive Character's Face - Let's Make The Best Illustration!

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This is another outstanding How to Draw book from Japan that teaches you new ways of thinking of your art, focusing on creating characters with attractive faces!
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Drawing faces in ways that properly communicate emotion is a challenge, and this books helps give you lots of ideas of how to improve your art and characters. There are three chapters with lots of sub-sections, including

1. How to Draw Attractive Faces, with sections on facial balance, the differences between attractiveness between male and female faces, and understanding the importance of drawing eyes, hair and more
2. How to Bring Out the Attractiveness of Your Characters, focusing on showing various emotions (happiness, sadness, anger)
3. Separating Different Kinds of Faces, showing how to illustrate your characters' moods showing cheerfulness, kindness, sex appeal and even tsundere just through face design.

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